Marriage Is Not a "Beer Gut" Pass!

Is a beer gut ever OK during marriage? Think Again! Remaining in shape is more than just a question of being attractive to your partner, it’s about remaining healthy for the rest of your life. But according to Psychology Today, July 20, 2019 issue, a woman’s average rating for the “built” male body type in terms of sexual attractiveness (on a scale of 1 to 9) was 6.9. This was the highest rating for attractiveness out of 6 body types.
When couples marry, they sometimes become complacent and “let themselves go.” Men are visual people and often judge their wives more harshly pertaining to body weight increase. However, falling into unhealthy habits and out of shape is often times an equal endeavor!
If you don’t want to look back in five years at your wedding photos and not recognize the happy couple, here are some great tips to stay in shape for each other after you’ve said “I do”:
1.  Learn how to cook healthy meals.
Healthy plant-based meals will assist in remaining in shape. You don’t have to be Vegetarian or Vegan to be plant based. Fresh vegetables and fruits should comprise the bulk of your meals even if you eat meat or fish. Stock your fridge with healthy foods and prepare healthy recipes now available all over the internet. Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day. Why not sign up for a basic cooking class together?

2.  Mindful eating – sit and eat at the kitchen table.
British Behavioral Scientist
Paul McKenna has been advocating sitting down and eating. So many couples eat on the run, a recipe for overeating. When your mind is preoccupied by other activity when eating, you are unaware of how much food you’re consuming.

3.  Save your waistline by bringing your own lunch.
Bringing your lunch to work helps you be in control of the foods you eat, and a great way to save money. Meal prepping for the week will also save you time; when you
 pack your lunch you actually avoid having to wait in line at an eatery and you can use that extra time to take your lunch to a nearby park for a relaxing experience. Always use BPA Free containers

4.  Be careful of how much alcohol you drink.
Enjoying a drink or two on weekends with your partner is such a relaxing way to spend some time together. But be mindful of how much you drink because alcoholic beverages are packed with calories and you can easily lose track of how much you drink, especially watching a sporting event or a great movie. A 5 oz. glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage can contain about 120 calories so you’re drinking 240 calories for only two drinks. If you do that five nights a week, that’s an extra 1,200 calories per week! Build better habits with great new alternatives.

5.  Exercise together as a couple.
Fitness is key to remaining fit and trim! Get your partner involved so that you can keep each other accountable. It can be as simple as going for a long walk and sharing the events of your day. If you include fitness in your relationship, you’ll be an active and healthy couple. The bonus? A reduction in stress and cortisol which can improve your libido. As a Marriage Coach and Fitness Trainer, my favorite cardio exercise is the Elliptical Machine. Not only is it great for the heart and truly burns overall fat, it is most importantly low impact on the hips, knees, ankles and feet. This is my home staple.

6.  Keep the romance alive.
Avoid turning your feeling of frustration toward your relationship into food binging. Sex is one of the best forms of whole-body exercise if done creatively. If you are having problems in your relationship, you might want to make it a priority to work on increasing communication and sharing your feelings. Holding on to your feelings and turning to food for comfort leads to less sex in your marriage, alienation of affection and the extra pounds to prove it!  

The Doctor Is In...

Listen to my podcast "4 Men Who Marry"  on Anchor and leave messages there as well.

Dr. Sue is the coach for "The man who has everything but his wife." Let her take the mystery out of relating to the right woman. Getting married is easy, staying married takes more than romance, it is a skill. This skill requires sincerity, self development and commitment and begins with the basic principles. Dr. Sue is a Marriage & Family Coach of 15 years, accepting private clients from anywhere via Whatsapp and Skype.  Payment is accepted via Zelle or Cashapp. If you are a man seeking personal and confidential coaching, email Dr. Sue for appointments at or click here.

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